The Easter Hallelujah

“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.”
― Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyła)

I am the song of Easter,
Many voices add fullness to my tune

My anthem began before the creation of the world
It took shape and form as the earth was birthed
It wandered the wilderness in search of a homeland
It has been the aching of the ages
It became visual with the birth of a baby …

I am the song of the seasons
The praises formed in the heat of summer
The harvest song of a well-lived life
The frozen despair in the dead of winter,
The irrepressible burst of new life in spring.
I am the song of celebration, the song of beauty.

I am the song of despair .. the longing song
How long oh Lord will you hide your face from us?
I am the song of confusion and fear, with notes unclear
I am the song of plenty and the song of want
The lament of pain, the balm of comfort
I am the song of amnesia, words forgotten in the dark
I am the song of light and memory
Sing this in remembrance of me.

I am the voice in the crowd … joining the Hosanna of Palm Sunday …
and I am the same voice in the crowd calling crucify him, crucify him …
I am the song of silent shame
And I am the song of Grace … of Forgiveness
I am the song of strong surrender
The song that hung on the cross.

I am the song of resurrection Power
I am the song of green seeded Hope that overflows
Hope to see loved ones again
I am the song of Rest, abide in me, hear my lullaby
I am the song within your heart

We join in the song, with voices weak or strong …
This is the song of humanity
This is the song of a God who sings over us in the night
This is a song of gratitude, of praise, of sorrow
This is a song unstoppable.

And centuries later I am the receiver of this song
I am the one at the graveside of a son, a daughter
and I can barely whisper …
we do not grieve as those who have no hope
Others help me to sing the tune when I cannot hold it
The spirit sings the resurrection song to aching hearts around the world.

Will you join singing the broken Hallelujah?


This poetry came out of an assignment to portray a character of the traditional Easter story. The hope of Easter is a challenge for many people whose hallelujah has been broken.

4 thoughts on “The Easter Hallelujah

  1. Beautiful Jocelyn! Just yesterday I looked to see if you had a new entry and today, lo and behold here is a most appropriate composition.


  2. Thank you for sending, Joc. So beautifully and powerfully written. We are all part of the song: the frustration & fear, loss, grief & despair, resurrection & hallelujah that is Easter. And the song is greater than all that, as it bursts through the shell of our limited understanding, just like the chick out of the egg! 🐣 Hugs to you as you remember Love at the gravesides and carry that Love with you. Happy Easter, Chick!


  3. Dear Joc,

    So good to hear from you!

    I am amazed at the creative gift of writing that God has gifted you with. I know you have many other gifts – you are blessed!

    God gifted your children as well, with gifts of art, love, joy of life, and other gifts that I don’t know about. I love reading the emails and seeing the pictures that Kristen posts. You have passed on to her your enthusiasm for life.

    I trust that life with Harold and his/your family is good.

    May our God continue to hold you in the palm of His hand and give you joy.

    Happy Easter!!

    Love, Audrey


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